Frequently asked

Fast, transparent and easy certification process.

RED Carbon Standard stands for Restart Energy Democracy Carbon Standard.

The RED Carbon Standard is a Romanian-based standard with the help of a group of specialists in various fields of activity, from sustainability to finance, forestry, agriculture, and energy efficiency that certifies green projects (renewables, agriculture, forestry, energy efficiency, hydrogen, etc.), enabling them to get tokenized carbon credits on the blockchain.


RED Carbon Standard aims at helping project developers of sustainable projects quickly obtain tokenized carbon credits on the international voluntary CO2 market. RED Carbon Standard aims to combine technological advancements with highly specialized use to give value to green projects in all aspects (carbon reduction or removals in the form of tokenized carbon credits, social and community benefits, SDGs,).

RED Carbon Standard aims at helping project developers of sustainable projects quickly obtain tokenized carbon credits on the international voluntary CO2 market. RED Carbon Standard aims to combine technological advancements with highly specialized use to give value to green projects in all aspects (carbon reduction or removals in the form of tokenized carbon credits, social and community benefits, SDGs,).

The Projects registered under the RED Carbon Standard shall meet the International Panel for Climate Change emission categories, as follows: Energy (renewables, energy efficiency); Industrial Processes; Other Product Use; Agriculture; Forestry and Other Land Use; Waste; Energy Industries (renewable – / non-renewable sources); Energy Distribution; Energy Demand; Manufacturing Industries; Chemical Industries; Construction; Transport; Mining/Mineral Production; Metal Production; Fugitive Emissions from Fuels (solid, oil and gas); Fugitive Emissions from Production and Consumption of Halocarbons and Sulphur Hexafluoride; Solvent Use; Waste Handling and Disposal; Afforestation and Reforestation; Agriculture..

RED is an ERC-721 non-fungible token (NFT), having utility in the RED Platform that certifies on the blockchain the quantity of CO2 reduction or removals from the atmosphere by eco-friendly actions within a Project (such as the energy production from renewable sources) and certified by the RED Carbon Standard. Owning 1 RED means 1 ton of CO2 has been reduced or removed from the environment.

The RED Certification App is easy to use, it can be accessed in the web version or as a mobile app. More information about the RED Platform can be found here.

Projects certified with the RED Carbon Standard will be listed in our RED Carbon Standard Registry. The registry is built using blockchain technology that will benefit both project developers and buyers thanks to the transparency and non-permutability of data.

The registry system is based on NFT Smart Contracts on the Zalmoxis blockchain having full interoperability with the public Ethereum blockchain. All tokenized carbon credits transactions will have a unique and public tracking ID (TXID) without any downtime, fraud, control, or interference from a third party. Transactions via tracking ID (TXID) are verified and recorded, transparently showing all past transactions.

Through the RED Carbon Standard and the RED Registry, the RED Platform is also pioneering the way for other blockchain and standard sustainability-related companies to have access to the tokenized carbon credits issued under the RED Carbon Standard.

Security is achieved using a validator layer that works through Staking Smart Contract on Ethereum to enable this mechanism on Zalmoxis, which is our proprietary blockchain. The Zalmoxis approach, rooted directly in the Ethereum network through smart contracts, will have multiple benefits in terms of operability and security, the root chain ensures full security with the summed proofs of all child blockchains.

The users will receive and use a username and a password to securely access the Platform from a mobile phone or another similar electronic device and will thus have an active personal user account for the Platform.

The necessary documentation for your project is the following:

  • Project presentation; 
  • Photos and videos of the project; 
  • Description of the project’s positive impact on sustainability and the environment, list and the Sustainable Development Goals that apply to the Project; 
  • Information about the legal representative of the Project Developer, such as the name, ID card, company fiscal certificate, and standing certificate; 
  • Information about the authorized representative/designated person of the Project Developer;
  • Information about the public consultation, estimated emissions, estimated indicators;
  • Information about the monitoring indicators;
  • The RED Carbon Standard template of the Validation Reports and the Verification Reports must be completed and signed by an Independent verification body after the audit.

For these details and the certification process, you can contact any of our existing franchises here.

The project certification stages are the following:

  • Initial Assessment
  • Documentation approval
  • Public consultation
  • Stakeholder consultation
  • Validation
  • First Monitoring
  • Verification
  • Certification

You can find more details on the Certification process here.

The Public Consultation is intended to build and maintain the integrity of the RED Carbon Standard in meeting its Principles of Transparency. 

Project Developers must demonstrate in the Project Description Document in the Validation Section that the project activity results in a net-positive impact on social, economic, and environmental factors true to the authorizations and documents required by current legislation (such as an environmental impact assessment in line with the No Net Harm Principles).

Yes. A group project combines multiple projects which have the same type of project activity into a single, combined project that adds new project activity over time in the same geographic boundary sets from the beginning in the PDD.

The validation/verification shall be made by a third-party organization accredited by the RED Carbon Standard for the relevant type of project and shall have signed the agreement with  RED Carbon Standard that is not directly involved in the project. On the website, you can find the list of Independent Validation/Verification bodies accredited.

RED Carbon Standard accepts Projects that will follow one of the UN-approved CDM methodologies, which can be found here. Public methodologies from other renowned standards and organizations, such as ISO, Gold Standard, World Bank, EBRD, IEA, etc. are also accepted.

  • Regular Certification
    Applicable to the regular projects whose start date is after the initial submission date of the project to the RED Platform Application or via email.
  • Retroactive Certification
    Applicable to retroactive projects whose start date is no more than one year prior to the date of the project’s initial submission to the RED Platform application via email.

Projects can prove the additionality by applying the RED Additionality Tool.

The greenhouse gas emission reductions or removals from the mitigation activity shall be additional, i.e., they would not have occurred in the absence of the incentive created by carbon credit revenues.